About Us

We are the custodians of this fragile ecosystem that must be preserved----for without it, there is no future

As a consequence, in the 1980's I decided to dedicate my remaining years to try and solve the carbon pollution problem.

The biblical philosophy giving man dominion over the Earth to exploit its wealth was a false doctrine.  Exploitation, productivity and disregard for mother earth has brought us to our knees.    It was clear to me that our reliance on fossil fuels was an addictive evil threatening to wipe out all living things.  Something had to be done to reverse this degradation and it needed to be done quickly.

Unfortunately, there is only one life boat, that must support us all.  Simply being environmentally frugal is not enough.    What we need to do is provide free energy technologies that are more cost effective and profitable than using fossil fuels.  I see this course of action as our only hope.  This then, inspired me to develop these new technologies as my contribution in achieving a sustainable future.

I have given most of my life in researching and developing environmental solutions