The Universal Equation

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An alternative interpretation

What we know of the universe is that both matter and space are intrinsically linked together.  Kepler’s planetary laws and the laws of conservation are stark evidence of that irrefutable fact.   In my early studies of physics it was evident that space was not an empty void as initially claimed by Einstein, but a seething sea of energy interacting with matter at every dimension.  As my knowledge of physics matured, I realized that what we accept as scientific facts are tenuous at best and are open to alternative interpretation.   So, I decided to formulate my own concepts of the Universe based on knowledge I had acquired. 

 Like Descartes, I believe the interface of space, energy and matter at all magnitudes must obey the laws of vector and displacement analysis.   When one system expands the other has to contract and visa-versa.  Electromagnetic waves, matter and the space fields that contain them are all intrinsically linked by time, light and temperature.  Over the years I formulated this new concept of universal interaction based on Newton’s and Kepler’s laws and my study of universal interaction.   This is demonstrated in the following formulae explained in detail in my  presentation:

t/T = [Soc (1—x/r)] / 90

Sin 2 Y or Cos 2 Y = 0.5 —  √ [1 — (2 Pro  Y)2]

The following comprehensive PDF provides not only a fuller understanding of my model of creation, but also the theology surrounding our belief system together with an historic perspective that led me to develop The Universal Equation.